Do the math: The benefits of video on your website
Time to do the math!
A simple equation to boost your website’s success.
Simple equations are everywhere. I’m not talking about algebra class. For many, that was a constant source of nightmares so I’ll stay clear of variables, factors and quotients.
I’m talking reallysimple equations like:
“Time = Money”
“A Quiet Man = A Thinking Man”
“Happy Wife = Happy Life”
Since this is a marketing blog, how about an equation that pertains to you and your business’ success?
It’s a simple equation and it’s one we think you should remember. Since we’re on the math bit, we’ll even back the equation up with some reasoning and give you some tips to help get on the honor roll when it comes to the benefits of video on your website. Hope you’re wearing your pocket protectors, because here we go!
Just Google It
It’s a fact. Having video on your site can help increase your SEO ranking. Since Google shifted gears last year and started rewarding websites for quality content as well as keyword optimization, video has become increasingly important when it comes to marketing on the web. So, when your team gets together to devise your video marketing strategy, keep in mind those moving pictures are working hard behind-the-scenes to improve your SERP ranking, click-throughs, bounce rates and backlinks. A quick tip: be sure to host the video on your own site. Generally, the original site has the upper hand when it comes to search results vs the You Tubes and Vimeos of the world.
Always On The Go
Mobile screens are increasingly being used to watch video. In fact, people would much rather watch video than read on the web when they’re on the go. No matter the length of the video content, substantial numbers of video viewers report their video consumption on smartphones has increased and will continue to do so. Now, more than ever, your video could be seen by more people.
If that’s not enough reason, you should take into account some findings from a recent Google/Ipsos study. The research showed that smartphone video viewers are significantly more likely to watch, share, and feel personally connected to ads and branded video content than their counterparts watching on desktop or television.
Need More Selling?
Having video on your website can increase your conversion rates. If your site hosts company and brand videos, there is more of a possibility that consumers will make a connection to you. With that connection comes confidence in your offerings and a better chance to close with the customer. Just recently it’s been reported that the average conversion rate for sites that use video is 4.8%. This is compared to just 2.9% for those who don’t. When you factor in the likelihood that email campaigns will boast better open rates and call to actions will increase when you incorporate video, it’s easy to see why you should be part of your web and marketing strategy.
Show It Off
We believe the best reason for including video on your site is something that’s often overlooked by a huge percentage of businesses and it’s quite bewildering. If you think about it, video can be your brand’s best friend! By including video on your site, you have a terrific opportunity to showcase your company’s voice, style and offerings in a convenient, easy-to-digest manner. Add social sharing to the mix and you’ve got the possibility for your customers to become brand evangelists and advocates. What better way is there to convince someone to buy your product or service than a direct referral from a friend or family member? Remember, people who watch a video of your product are as much as 85% more likely to purchase than those who don’t.
Need more convincing? Take a look at this fun clip we put together for our site:
We hope this simple equation can be your formula for an A+ the next time you grade your website’s success.