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A Brand makeover that will make you smile.


Renaming + rebranding

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A brand to sink your
teeth into

Show off those pearly whites of yours and what happens? For some, dimples appear around that gleaming smile. You see, dimples are basically the after effect of a smile. They’re an indicator that a person is having a good time, laughing and showing off their chompers at the same time. When a dental office revolves around creating healthy smiles for families of all ages in a welcoming atmosphere, they need a friendly and playful brand that fits their company better than a set of braces.


Formerly known as Sunset Dental, we took Dimples through a brand repositioning which included a new interactive website and identity system. To build a customer base and promote the shiny new brand, we also created a direct mail campaign that would make you smile more than laughing gas.


Good branding is more important than flossing. (But don’t tell them we said that)